Zodiac Polish Packaging
Zodiac Polish Packaging
Zodiac Polish is a nail polish brand that combines astrology and nail polish. I love astrology and nail polish so I thought it could be really cool to create a product with the two. The nail polish matches the auras of each astrology signs and is packaged using your big three signs. The main colors are purple, black and gold. The gradient was chosen to represent different nail polish colors spilling together. I chose to use a circular nail polish bottles and circular packaging because of the radial way horoscopes are displayed. When using the bigger circular box, the bottles align like the star signs on the horoscope.  There are also cards that explain each zodiac sign and the meaning behind the colors.
Zodiac Polish Packaging
Zodiac Polish Packaging
Zodiac Polish Packaging
Zodiac Polish Packaging
Zodiac Polish Packaging
Zodiac Polish Packaging
Zodiac Polish Packaging
Zodiac Polish Packaging

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